Daniel 7:1-8
- “the great sea” is either the Mediterranean Sea or figuratively the Gentile kings and/or kingdoms like in Isaiah 57:20 and Revelation 17:15
- the lion with eagle’s wings is believed to be Babylon, the grand ruler of both land and air
- the bear is the Medo-Persian army
- the raised side is the stronger of the two armies, the Persians.
- the three ribs represents the 3 kingdoms that they devoured – Lydia, Egypt, and Babylon.
- the leopard represents the Greek army who rapidly conquered the world
- 4 represents universality
- the wings represent speed
- The Greeks developed better, faster footwear that had ankle support
- Nike comes from Nikeah, the Greek god of victory
- leopards can reach 34 mi/hr in a straight out run
- the 4 heads might have described governments (the four generals who took over after Alexander the Great)
- Daniel’s works appeared in the Septuagint, which was finished in 325 B.C. meaning it was impossible for him to be writing in 125 B.C.
- the fourth beast is the Roman Empire
- horns represent strength or power, they are used for battle
- 3 of the horns are ripped off, as if they were completely destroyed
- the little horn may represent the Antichrist, it becomes the greatest of the 10
- Pastor Jay’s opinions
- Babylon
- they don’t care about winged lions, they like bulls and dragons
- the few lions that have showed up are normal lions
- England has a thing for winged lions
- Medo-Persian army
- bears are not connected
- they’ve conquered a lot more than 3 nations
- Russia has used bears for centuries in their art, culture, and political writings
- Greece
- leopards are not connected either, they like rams and goats
- they only had 2 great kingdoms come out from them
- “they didn’t have a long-lasting influence”
- rarely if ever mentioned as leopards
- leopards don’t even live near them
- Babylon
Dan 7,15-28
- the Koine Greek word for “angel” literally means “mailman” or “envoy”
- the saints will rule the earth, but they are not the ones who will establish it; the earth will be given to them
- the Church isn’t mentioned in the OT, this is probably referring more to the Jews. See Revelation 20:4-6 and Matthew 19:28
- FYI, guys in NYC still “bust a sag” and it’s still ridiculous. My late grandmother used to carry belts to give to guys and then she told them about Jesus XD
- In Rev 13:7, John only mentions the “church” in the beginning of Revelations and at the end, but not in the middle. The “saints” are used in the middle
- A time in Hebrew means one. 3 1/2 times equals 42 months or 3 1/2 years
- the Jews follow a Lunar calendar of 12 months and 30 days each
- Check out The Man With A Plan
Dan 9,1-19
- ONE: Daniel is a man of the word
- Chronologically, Belshazzar’s feast took place right before this chapter
- Daniel knows that the captivity is going to end soon
- God punished Israel for not giving the land rest for 490 years, so they were in captivity for 70 years so the land could rest
- fasting is an act of removing all distractions so you can focus on God
- sackcloth, rough and prickly cloth, was worn to cause discomfort and make sin relatable
- “repentance” is a military term meaning “about face” or an 180-degree turnaround
- Daniel is a man of detailed confession
- The English word “sin” comes from an old archery game where you would shoot an arrow through a center mark. If you missed the mark, you were called a sinner
Dan 9,20-22
- Daniel had a broken heart and a crushed spirit when he was confessing his sins and those of Israel’s and that’s when God answered him
- Daniel is one of the few people in the Bible whose sin’s were never mentioned
- “contend” is a wrestling term, wrestlers would “contend” by grabbing the back of their opponent’s neck
- Daniel was praying around the time of the evening sacrifice
- The Israelites hadn’t made sacrifices in about 50 years
Dan 9,25-26
- The decree that matches verse 25 is found in Neh 2 after 49 years
- 483 years after Neh 2 the Anointed One comes
- The Hebrew word for “cut off” usually means “destroy” or “kill”
- The Hebrews followed a lunar calendar of 360 days, the Romans followed a 365-day calendar
- Josephus didn’t believe Jesus was the Christ, but Josephus wrote about him
- 40 is the number of judgement
- the temple was leveled in A.D. 40
- Jesus spoke more about hell than heaven
Dan 9.27
- 7 is a common number for the Jews
- The Bible is God-inspired, but the translations are not and lean towards the translators views
- 69 sevens, 483 years, concludes with Christ’s 1st coming
- Second sevens, conclude with Christ’s 2nd coming
- the temple walls were made of precious metals that the Romans took before casting the rest down the Kidron Valley
- Jesus stopped at a comma in the middle of a passage (Isaiah 61), that’s why everyone was watching Him, waiting for the rest
- When you take people out of their homeland, by the 3rd generation they can’t remember their homeland or their language; yet the Jews were gone for 1900+ years and still knew who they were and what they were
- The Greek word for “anti” also means “instead of”