Daniel 10:1-9
- Cyrus the Persian and Darius the Mede are different
- Cyrus is the one prophesied about in Isaiah who let the Jews to Jerusalem
- Darius was probably a vassal king for the Medes
- 2 divisions under Belshazzar and 2 under Cyrus
- 2 words and 2 years after Gabriel’s appearance in chapter 9
- Daniel is around 85 years old
- The Jews are returning to Israel but Daniel doesn’t get to go
- Creation only took 6 days that’s why the Jews only work for 6 days and they took everything in the OT literally #apologetics
- Daniel is fasting, probably for the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread
- Daniel might be mourning because he wasn’t able to attend the Passover at home with the other Jews
- If Daniel was a fictional character created during the Maccabees then he would’ve returned to Israel with the exiles, not died in Babylon #apologetics
- There is a benefit to short-period fasting, ask the Himalayans
Daniel 10:10-21
- the angel might be Gabriel because he visited Daniel the last few times
- There are 365+ verses in the Bible with some form of “do not fear”
- When you squeeze a orange, what comes out? What about a Christian?
- Fun thought: Jesus was a big guy with muscles and he was tall
- Another fun thought: Peter was also a buff guy
- Conclusive fun thought: Jesus picked up Peter from the water with one arm and threw him on the boat
- the angel was fighting the prince of Persia for three weeks before he spoke to Dan.
- Dan. was fasting for three weeks before the angel spoke to him
- the moment Daniel humbled himself before God, an angel was sent to him
- Dan. kept praying and fasting until his prayers were answered
- Michael means “who is like God” or “none is like God”
- Michael is the only archangel mentioned in the Bible
- Adonai means lord, master, sir, or just one who is higher
- the angel was fighting with Persia and then Greece, who conjured the Medo-Persian Empire
- our prayers could be hindered by battles within the spiritual realm
Daniel 11:1-35
- the fourth king is Ahasuerus, he had 2 million footmen
- verses 5 - 20, 150 years of hostility between the Northern Seleucid Dynasty in Syria and the Southern Ptolemy Dynasty in Egypt
- v6: Ptolemy II Philadelphus, the Philiphater, gave his daughter Berenice to Antiochus II Theos as part of a peace treaty. Antiochus divorced his first wife Laodice, to marry Berenice. Shortly afterwards, Ptolemy II dies and Antiochus decides to divorce Berenice and re-marry Laodice. Before the divorce could be finalized, Laodice comes and kills Berenice. Antiochus II Theos re-marries Laodice and shortly after she poisons him. Fact check this, the story is a bit different on other sources. Other sources say Berenice is killed by Laodice after Antiochus II died and she tried to get the throne for her infant son.
- vv. 7-9: Berenice’s brother Ptolemy III avenge’s her death by killing Laodice
- vv. 21 - 35 brings us to Antiochus Epiphanes, the demon possessed ruler who persecuted the Jews
- many scholars think the Antichrist will be from Jewish decent
Daniel 11:36-45
- Iran North Africa, Russia, and Turkey will invade Israel. Then God will intervene and destroy all but 1/10 of those armies
- the Antichrist will honor Satan
- he will bring peace to Israel
- Eden, Moab, and Ammon are modern day Jordan
- His palace will be between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean
- the battle of Armageddon will take place after the Euphrates dries up
- the East Gate has been bricked up by the Turks, but it was discovered that under that east gate was The East Gate
Daniel 12
- Daniel 12:4, the angel is telling Daniel to preserve the book for many will look for understanding and find it
- “a time, times, and a half” means 3 1/2 years, 42 months, or 1,260 days
- wheat and tears look the same until the harvest, then the wheat gets heavy and bows but the tears never do