⬅ Tuesday 🔹 January 30th 🔹 2024 ➡
[!quote] Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil.
— Baltasar Gracián
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not done happens before on 2024-01-30 short mode
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not done happens on 2024-01-31 short mode
done on 2024-01-30
New Tasks
Woke up, did my devotion. It was on Mark 13 > 33 on how we need to take care of the possessions God has given us until Jesus returns.
I just got back from Dunkin, their Wake Up Pancake is so small lol. Anyway, I walked there and it took me about 12 minutes there and another 12 back. The walk back felt quicker though for some reason. Now, I’m ready to play RuneScape :D
Bruh, I can’t play RuneScape through Steam on Linux???? Okay…. RuneScape has an official Linux installer though so I guess I just have to install it that way.
Instead of playing RuneScape, I watched The Vampire Diaries. This whole Katherine thing is getting annoying.