ā¬ Wednesday š¹ January 31st š¹ 2024 ā”
[!quote] I destroy my enemies when I make them my friends.
ā Abraham Lincoln
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not done happens before on 2024-01-31 short mode
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not done happens on 2024-02-01 short mode
done on 2024-01-31
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The Trinity is not like an egg because the parts of an egg can be separated. A better analogy is a triangle.
Do these verses prove that Jesus is God the Father as Oneness Pentecostal believe?
1 Corinthians 1:3
Romans 1:7
They argue that “and” (Greek: kai) in the phrase should be translated as even, making Jesus and the Father seem like one. It is true that kai can be translated as “even” but kai has a very limited semantic range.
Is water baptism a condition for salvation?
1 Corinthians 1:17
Matthew 28:19
Paul says Christ didn’t send him to baptize people, yet Christ commission his disciples to baptize people. Therefore, is baptism required for salvation? Some groups, such as the Mormons, think so.
Paul wasn’t opposed to baptism (Acts 2 > 38), but he didn’t believe it was a requirement for salvation. He believed it was a symbol of salvation.
1 Corinthians 3:15
Paul declares that people are saved only through fire. Roman Catholic scholars argue that “the Latin Fathers take the passage to mean a transient purification punishment in the other world.” (Ott, 1960, 483)
Here, Paul is speaking about works, not people. He is saying that we will have a “reward” in heaven.
Was Paul’s condemnation of homosexuality merely his own idea? Was he against all homosexual acts, or only offensive ones?
1 Corinthians 6:9